Friday, December 26, 2008

black sweater eleven

Was going to be a name for a song i was going to write. It was written as a joke, and then took on something else. I started liking how it sounded. it would be my rough around the edges song.
I tried to set up a new gmail address for this blog, it wouldnt let me. I guess in retrospect, I should have started the gmail first, and then started the blog. As it is, I have no way of checking messages on here, not in an easy way. Not that I get any.
But black sweater eleven.

She scared my heart black sweater eleven.
I wandered father that I ever had
We skipped the fates black sweater eleven,
more and more, more and more.

I am either sick with a cold or have a really bad alergic reaction to my parents house.
I am also noticing that there is nto spell check line under by badly spelled words. I need to change that.
I have some money for books in the forms of gift certificates. I was originally thinking of getting history biographies: possibly war related, maybe a president bio.
But, not I am already starting to lean a little away from that. Possible more towards new fiction?
I don't know. i will attempt patience on this one seeing as how the first year I got a gift certificate, I bought a horrible cookbook, a book written in german, and a fake porno.
dont ask.
We crammed earthly delights into our lungs black sweater eleven.
Red wine and sights set on happy springs, when the small town starts warming up and drying off.
How come you run black sweater eleven.?

Labels will be used for the first time in this post.

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