Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I need to organize the way I few this blog. Right now it is set up through an email
So, for example, it looks like this:

Can you imagine dealing with this on a Wednesday? it is horrible. What is not horrible is the gray sky outside. Cold, wheeling.
I would like to say that today I wrote a song on the guitar,
That I meditated while playing the guitar.
None of these things happened.
Instead I drank some coffee, and contemplated running in the snow. How you would have to have the right outfit, and the right frame of mind.
I ran two miles yesterday and it felt like 4. It was supposed to rain, it was supposed to be cold.
No, it was warm and humid.
I will leave you with:

Fridays are always the best. Once out of your daily routine, you find a tasty beverage waiting for you, a song, a gift.

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